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AI Applications Across the Disciplines

Preparing Students for Future Employment

AI is increasingly integrated into various fields; from engineering and healthcare, to business and the arts. It is important for instructors to understand how AI is being used in their area of expertise so that they can better prepare students for a rapidly evolving employment landscape. By understanding AI’s impact and applications, students can better navigate their career paths, contribute to advancements in their field, and address ethical considerations surrounding AI use. 

AI Applications and Their Impact Across Job Sectors

Explore the following links to learn more about how AI is currently being used across job sectors.

Literature Review

Additional Websites and Resources


AI and the Future of Post-Secondary Education. (2024, January 4). The Conference Board of Canada. https://www.conferenceboard.ca/in-fact/navigating-the-ai-revolution/

Biswal, A. (2024, July 16). 24 cutting-edge artificial intelligence applications in 2024. Simplilearn. https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/artificial-intelligence-tutorial/artificial-intelligence-applications

Bruff, D. (n.d.). Educational technology. Agile Learning. https://derekbruff.org/?cat=104

Cardona, M., Rodriguez, R., & Ishmael, K. (2023, May). Artificial intelligence and the future of teaching and learning: Insights and recommendations. United States of America Department of Education. https://www2.ed.gov/documents/ai-report/ai-report.pdf

Chiu, T., Xia, Q., Zhou, X., Chai, C., & Cheng, M. (2023). Systematic literature review on opportunities, challenges, and future research recommendations of artificial intelligence in education. Computer and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666920X2200073X

Chui, M., Manyika, J., Miremadi, M., Henke, N., Chung, R., Nel, P., & Malhotra, S. (2018, April). Notes from the AI frontier: Insights from hundreds of use cases. McKinsey Global Institute. https://www.mckinsey.com/west-coast/~/media/McKinsey/Featured%20Insights/Artificial%20Intelligence/Notes%20from%20the%20AI%20frontier%20Applications%20and%20value%20of%20deep%20learning/Notes-from-the-AI-frontier-Insights-from-hundreds-of-use-cases-Discussion-paper.pdf

Department for Education. (2023, November). The impact of AI on UK jobs and training. Government of the United Kingdom. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/656856b8cc1ec500138eef49/Gov.UK_Impact_of_AI_on_UK_Jobs_and_Training.pdf

Green, A. (2023). The great acceleration: CIO perspectives on generative AI. MIT Technology Review. https://www.databricks.com/sites/default/files/2023-07/ebook_mit-cio-generative-ai-report.pdf

Higher Education Strategy Associates [HESA]. (n.d.). Observatory on AI policies in Canadian post-secondary education. https://higheredstrategy.com/ai-observatory-home/

Holt, L. (2024, March 6). A map for generative AI for education: An update to our map of the current state-of-the-art. Medium. https://medium.com/@LaurenceHolt/a-map-of-generative-ai-for-education-6598e85a172e

Kochhar, R. (2023, July 26). Which U.S. workers are more exposed to AI on their jobs? Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2023/07/26/which-u-s-workers-are-more-exposed-to-ai-on-their-jobs/

McDonald, N., Johri, A., Ali, A., & Hingle, A. (2024). Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Evidence from an Analysis of Institutional Policies and Guidelines. Cornell University. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.01659

McVerry, J. (2024, March 4). Is artificial intelligence defined the same way across disciplines? PhysOrg. https://phys.org/news/2024-03-artificial-intelligence-disciplines.html

Moya, B., Eaton, S., Pethrick, H., Hayden, K., Brennan, R., Wiens, J., McDermott, B., & Lesage, J. (2023). Academic integrity and artificial intelligence in higher education contexts: A rapid scoping review protocol. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.11575/cpai.75990

Q.ai – Powering a Personal Wealth Movement. (2023, January 6). Applications of artificial intelligence acress various industries. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/qai/2023/01/06/applications-of-artificial-intelligence/

Salman, J. (2023, June 8). How college educators are using AI in the classroom. Future of Learning. https://hechingerreport.org/how-educators-are-using-ai-in-the-classroom/

Sciotex (n.d.). How can different industries use AI? https://sciotex.com/how-can-different-industries-use-ai/

Sperling, K., Stenberg, C., McGrath, C., Akerfeldt, A., Heintz, F., & Stenliden, L. (2024). In search of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in teacher education: A scoping review. Computers and Education Open, 6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeo.2024.100169

Takyar, A. (n.d.). AI use cases & applications across major industries. LeewayHertz. https://www.leewayhertz.com/ai-use-cases-and-applications/

Wang, S., Wang, F., Zhu, Z., Wang, J., Tran, T., & Du, Z. (2024). Aritificial intelligence in education: A systematic literature review. Expert Systems with Applications, 252(A). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124167