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External Grant – NSERC CREATE

Posted on: Feb 9, 2021

NSERC has released information about their Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program.

CUE has a limited number of allowed applications that can be submitted to this program. If you are interested in applying, please contact the Office of Research Services as early as possible.

Internal deadlines and requirements apply.

It is important to note that: “…The research training experience should focus on providing an enriched training and mentoring experience for graduate (master’s and doctoral) students. Undergraduate students can be supported and integrated into the training program as potential future graduate students, but a proposal that is focused solely on support of undergraduate students will not be considered. Postdoctoral fellows may also be supported, as it is recognized that they often play an integral part in the training and mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students…”

For more information on this program, please visit their website.


Information from NSERC


NSERC has updated the Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program with these key requirements:

  • Proposals must now address the mentoring of trainees within the context of the training program
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) should be considered in the rationale of the team composition and in the designated roles within the team


The Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program supports the training and mentoring of teams of highly qualified students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs that

  • encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, and address significant scientific challenges associated with Canada’s research priorities
  • facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce

These innovative programs must foster the acquisition and development of important professional skills among students and postdoctoral fellows that complement their qualifications and technical skills, and improve their job readiness for careers in industry, government, non-governmental organizations and/or academia.

In addition, these programs should encourage the following as appropriate:

  • student mobility, nationally or internationally, between individual universities and between universities and other sectors
  • interdisciplinary research within the natural sciences and engineering (NSE), or at the interface between the NSE and health or between the NSE and the social sciences and humanities—however, the main focus of the training must still lie within the NSE
  • increased collaboration between industry and academia
  • for the industrial stream, an additional objective is to support improved job readiness within the industrial sector by exposing participants to the specific challenges of this sector and training people with the skills identified by industry



Duration Up to six years
Value Up to $150,000 in the first year and up to $300,000 for up to five subsequent years, for a maximum of $1.65M over 6 years.
Application deadline May 1 (letter of intent)
September 22 (application, if invited to apply)
Application procedures Letter of intent
  • Form 100 (Personal Data Form) for the applicant
  • Form 187 – Letter of intent to apply for a Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program
Application (if invited to apply)
  • Form 100 (Personal Data Form) for the applicant
  • Form 100 or Canadian Common CV (CCV) for up to 10 co-applicants
  • Form 102 – Application for a Collaborative Research and Training Experience program grant
To create or access an application, select On-line system login. To view forms and instructions, select PDF forms and instructions.
How to apply See this website
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