We have a winner! 3-Minute Business Pitch Competition
Posted on: May 30, 2019
CUE’s Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR) announced its first 3-Minute Business Pitch Competition in April. The competition follows the spirit of 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) ® competition style that originated at The University of Queensland.
The competition provided students the opportunity to showcase their innovative business ideas to a wider audience in the Edmonton region and beyond, by submitting a video pitch.
Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry into the competition!
And the winners are:
In first place: Eden Redman
Eden, a UofA student, has been working with CUE Faculty of Arts instructor Dr. Yvonne Wong in developing a neuro-feedback based app for treatment of ADHD in children.
Congratulations Eden! He wins $300, plus in-kind services worth $1,000 from the CIAR to support his business, as well as sponsorship to attend Inventures 2019 next week!
In second place: Click & Push
This team of UofA students (Sydney Hampshire, Nathanial Maeda and John Johnson) has been working with UofA professor Dr. Martin Ferguson Pell, in developing accessible maps for people with disabilities, such as wheel chair users.
Congratulations Click & Push! They win $100, plus in-kind services worth $1,000 from the CIAR to support his business, as well as sponsorship to attend Inventures 2019 next week!
Thank you again to all who participated in this competition, including our judges:
- Alison Yacyshyn, Dean, Mihalcheon School of Management, CUE
- Hussam Tunkegar, Team Lead-Alberta, Futurpreneur Canada
- Kathryn Ambler, Team Lead, Innovation Evidence & Impact, Alberta Health Services
- Ramses Ilarraza, Research Officer, CUE
- Isha Katyal, Manager, CIAR, CUE