URSCA 2021 starts today at 2 pm!
Posted on: May 3, 2021
Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) is proud to host the 2021 Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta on May 3-4, 2021. In 2021, CUE celebrates the 100th anniversary, and we are excited that URSCA 2021 is part of our celebration. Please visit our dedicated website.
We have seen our undergrad students thrive during these difficult times, and succeed. For this reason, the theme for 2021 will be “Undergraduate Research under Extraordinary Circumstances”.
Registration to attend URSCA 2021 is still open via Eventbrite.
Keynote Speaker
For URSCA 2021, Dr. Alejandro Adem, President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) will help us kick-off our event.
“As the global pandemic continues to expose deep societal challenges and create a sense of uncertainty about the future, there has never been a greater need for the talent and ingenuity found in our research community. With NSERC’s support, a new generation of young researchers are seizing the opportunity to
re-think how we live in our brave new world.” Dr. Alejandro Adem
Concordia University of Edmonton continues to use the Research Support Fund to assist its researchers and support the research infrastructure. Research Support Funds allowed CUE to redirect funds otherwise used to cover indirect research expenses to other institutional initiatives and needs. The Research Support Fund has been of great benefit to CUE