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Updated myAvanti Time System now live!

Posted on: Apr 1, 2021

The myAvanti time entry screen for all employees, and supervisor time approval screen for managers, has changed! In addition to the appearance changes, the three main functional changes are:

Hourly Employees:

  • Overtime will be automatically calculated
    • Please ensure hours worked are entered on the actual days worked

All Salaried Employees:

  • Time may only be entered in hour increments: please ensure you enter hours per day

Eligible Salaried Employees (support staff and staff officers):

  • Banked time will be entered with one earning code and automatically calculated 1.0 and 1.5

Supervisors have a responsibility when approving time cards to ensure the information entered is correct in order to reduce delays and errors in pay.


Please view these documents for details on how to navigate the new system: