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Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta (URSCA) – CANCELLED

Posted on: Mar 16, 2020

We regret to inform you that the organizing committee for the 2020 URSCA has notified us that the conference has been cancelled, due to Covid-19 restrictions:

To affiliated URSCA institutions:

Sadly, I have been advised by MacEwan’s advisory committee and administration that, due to the ongoing situation with the spread of COVID-19, the best course of action is to cancel URSCA 2020. This email is being sent to only one or two URSCA representative from your institution, so please let your colleagues and students know of the cancellation. An official notice will be posted on MacEwan’s URSCA website later today or tomorrow.

I hope that this one year hiatus will not dampen your enthusiasm for this conference. Please help keep it alive at your institution. If you have any thoughts about future offerings of URSCA, send them to me and I will incorporate them into my URSCA 2020 report. On that note, Concordia University in Edmonton has expressed a keen interest to host URSCA 2021 to make it part of their centenary celebration.

Orla Aaquist