Theatre at Concordia Presents “HARVEY”
Posted on: Mar 2, 2012
Harvey by Mary Chase
Harvey is a play about wonder—about finding the magic in a world that encourages the mundane.
March 2, 3 9, 10 at 7:30 p.m.
March 4, 11 at 2:00 p.m.
Tickets are $10 for Adults, Seniors & GTC members $5
Robert Tegler Theatre, 7128 Ada Blvd, Edmonton, AB
Elwood P. Dowd is an affable man who claims to have an unseen friend Harvey — whom Elwood describes as a six-foot, three-and-one-half-inch tall pooka resembling a rabbit. Elwood introduces Harvey to everyone he meets. His social-climbing sister, Veta, finds his eccentric behavior embarrassing. She decides to have him committed to a sanitarium. When they arrive at the sanitarium, a comedy of errors ensues. The doctors commit Veta instead of Elwood. When Elwood shows up at the sanitarium looking for his lost friend Harvey, it seems that the mild-mannered Elwood's delusion has had a strange influence on the staff, including Dr. Chumley and his medical partner Dr. Sanderson.