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The Concordia Commitment Program a first in Alberta

Posted on: Apr 16, 2018

Concordia University of Edmonton has launched a novel program to support students throughout their university experience and beyond, setting them up for success.

Based on a successful program at the University of Regina, students can register in the Concordia Commitment Program and participate in a series of ‘value added’ features aimed at enriching their university experience while they are at CUE, and then supporting them through to successful employment or further study following graduation.

Features of the program include:

  • being connected with an advisor for support through their university experience,
  • transition assistance to university undergraduate studies,
  • opportunities for service and leadership experience that will help build their resume,
  • invitations to participate in scholarly seminars, presentations and lecture series,
  • experiences in and assistance with career development and participation in networking opportunities.

The Concordia Commitment will guarantee that, if students have met the criteria over the course of their studies, and have not been able to secure career-related employment within six months of graduation, or move on to graduate or professional studies, they will be eligible to return to Concordia University of Edmonton for another year of undergraduate classes free of charge. The program begins in September 2018 for new students starting either a 3- or 4-year degree program at Concordia University of Edmonton.


For further information about the program, contact:
Sonja Schwake
Learning Services Coordinator
Tel: 780-491-6854