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The 3rd Chinese Teaching Summer Seminar Concluded Successfully

Posted on: Jul 9, 2019

The 3rd Chinese Teaching Summer Seminar was conducted on July 4-5, 2019 through the Centre for Chinese Studies. Chinese teachers and education assistants from public and private schools and universities in AB, SK, and ON attended this year’s seminar. 


This year’s seminar explored effective methods of teaching Chinese in an English speaking environment. The Keynote Speaker Dr. Ping Xiang, a visiting professor from Carleton University in Ottawa.  The seminar aimed to help teachers effectively understand the characteristics of students with different backgrounds and different cognition, and choose appropriate teaching methods for their own teaching objects in order to improve their teaching efficiency.



Seminar participants received completion certifications from CUE and Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters presented by CUE Vice President External Affairs and International Relations Dr. Manfred Zeuch. They expressed their high level of satisfaction toward the practical discussions and the various educational topics in the seminar.


News about the seminar can be found in articles written by Hanban and also The Chinese Journal.  Both articles can be found below.

Concordia University of Edmonton – Building Bridges article:

Hanban Article


The Chinese Journal also reported this seminar in the following article:

The Chinese Journal Article