Talking Circles at CUE
Posted on: Oct 14, 2015
Indigenous Strategy Talking Circles
Monday, October 19 – 12 to 1 p.m. – HA206
Wednesday, October 21 – 12 to 1 p.m. – H206
Join students, faculty, and staff for lunch, and to share your ideas about developing an Indigenous Strategy at Concordia University of Edmonton.
The development of the Indigenous Strategy is an action that Concordia University of Edmonton has taken on to provide an inclusive and open learning environment for indigenous learners.
These talking circles are intended to identify and validate issues and concerns from CUE’s Indigenous population, by opening up dialogue between students and the university’s leaders.
Indigenous is the most recent name chosen by the Indigenous people of Canada. It is inclusive for the First Nations (treaty and non-treaty), Metis, and Inuit. Indigenous is powerful because it is the first time that the Indigenous people of Canada have chosen a name for themselves and has not been prescribed to them. This is why we are calling the development of this strategy Indigenous.
For more information, email