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Student Survey – Undergraduate Student Research

Posted on: May 31, 2019

CUE is a proud member of the Alliance of Canadian Comprehensive Research Universities (ACCRU), which was established in 2011, to bring together small- and medium-sized comprehensive universities from across Canada. 

As part of our commitment to ACCRU, we would like to invite undergraduate students at CUE, who are participating in research activities, to fill out an online survey. This short survey includes some valuable information that will help ACCRU shape its Research Development Program for Undergraduate Students. Participation in the survey is voluntary and confidential. All the information from the survey will be handled and processed directly by ACCRU, without involvement from CUE.

The deadline to participate is June 11th, 2019.

From the ACCRU survey website: “ACCRU is working to create the Undergraduate Student Research Development Program, a web-based program that offers training modules on developing research skills. We are looking for input regarding proposed topics.”

We kindly ask our Faculty to encourage our students to participate in the survey.