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Response Team – Evacuation Checklists

Posted on: Oct 20, 2022

When the fire alarm sounds it can often increase our physiological response, heart rate rises, we feel more energetic, etc. The evacuation checklists are one way to focus on thoroughly checking your area and identfying any issues that arise. It is helpful to have your area checklist ready to go on a clipboard, along with a high visibility arm band and pencil so you can easily grab and go.

If you need your area checklist please click on the Alfresco link below. https://documents.concordia.ab.ca/page/site/employee-resources/document-details?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/50dbc4e5-250f-49d6-a96e-6286b17be877

If you need an armband please contact Andrew Sterne andrew.sterne@concordia.ab.ca