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Keep yourself (and others) safe this flu season

Respiratory illnesses, including COVID 19 and influenza, are on the rise again in the Edmonton area. To keep our Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) community safe, you’re encouraged to take the following actions:

If you’re sick, stay home. 

This is the best way to prevent infecting others and to ensure you get the rest you need to recover properly.

Get immunized.

Alberta Health Services reiterates that immunization (getting a vaccine) is the best way to protect yourself and your community against diseases that vaccines can prevent. Click here to book an appointment for a COVID 19 or influenza vaccine.

If you have respiratory illness symptoms, or have a weakened immune system, wear a mask.

Concordia University of Edmonton respects anyone’s choice to wear a mask. Masking is a conscious choice to protect others, as well as yourself. If you feel a cold coming on or exhibit symptoms, you’re encouraged to wear a mask while on campus for everyone’s safety.

If you’re out of the habit of wearing a mask, here’s a refresher on how to properly put on, wear, and dispose of masks.

Wash your hands frequently.

Wash your hands after touching public surfaces like door handles, bus seats or classroom chairs and prior to eating, drinking or touching your face. Don’t forget to lather up for 30 seconds – about how long it takes to sing Happy Birthday. 

If you’re not able to access a hand washing station, use hand sanitizer frequently. 

Do what you can to stay healthy to prevent disease and illness.

An ounce of prevention is still worth a pound of cure. Research shows that living a healthy lifestyle is a good way to prevent illness. Be sure to check out CUE Wellness’ website for more information.

To help prevent the spread of respiratory illness at CUE, we have hand sanitizing stations situated around campus and continue to perform high-touch surface cleaning in high traffic areas. CUE Wellness is organizing a flu/HPV vaccine clinic on Oct 24 & 25 from 9:00am-1:00pm in room S206. Watch this space for the registration link to come in the next few weeks.

For more health information, visit the Alberta Health Services website for more information.