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Students gain transformative experience in China while earning two degrees 

China continues to play an integral part in growing Canada’s economy, evident in the tripling of trade between Alberta and China since 2003. Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) is rising to this demand by offering its management students an invaluable opportunity to immerse themselves in the dynamic business landscape of China, providing them with a distinct competitive edge.

Speaking to CUE student Lara Mackay in Beijing, she describes having a crash course in how China operates when she first arrived without a phone. “It was a culture shock that I couldn’t get by without one. You use your phone for everything here, to order food, to take a train or bus – everything is by phone.”

Lara has native roots from Kaktovik, and she describes funding opportunities for Indigenous students to be excellent. “The funding I received from the Kaktovik Association and the China Scholarship Council has been amazing, they covered my tuition and travel fees to come to China.” Like Lara, many students who travel to China, find additional funding or scholarships to offset their costs.

Now that Lara has been in the country for five months, she has adapted to using apps and QR codes for all details of her life. She has also found her way around her vibrant new campus, the renowned International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), has indulged in tasty cuisine, and has learned not only about Chinese culture and business, but also a great deal about herself. 

Lara visited the Bird Nest National Stadium in Beijing with BFSU students.

Lara is part of a unique 4-year program that is revolutionizing the way students pursue a Bachelor of Management degree. CUE offers the opportunity to study abroad and earn two degrees simultaneously. This innovative program allows students to spend years two and three at the BFSU, while years one and four are completed at CUE. By the end of the program, students graduate with not one, but two Bachelor of Management degrees, one from each institution.

Marc Pilon, a pioneering graduate of the program, said learning at BFSU was enjoyable, even though his classes were during the pandemic and he was forced to learn virtually. “I made so many connections over there. The professors were a great part of why I loved BFSU so much.  I had professors from here in Canada, but also from Russia and around Asia. So I got to see how differently people teach from around the world and they all made it fun,” says Marc.

Marc Pilon, first graduate of CUE-BFSU 1+2+1 Dual Degrees in Management

A chance to observe the business culture and learn the language in China

Studying abroad is an enriching experience and it provides an unparalleled opportunity to gain a global perspective. Lara says that by going to China she not only acquired language skills but also gained a deeper understanding of the local culture, customs and business practices. She says one of the highlights of the program was visiting a lacquer factor in Pingyao Ancient City.  “We got to have a tour of the factory and watch artists in action making original products. Some products can take months to make because of the process of making sure everything is smooth. We got to observe this creative assembly line of designers, it was very fascinating and they were very open to answering all our questions.”

Speaking about learning the language, Lara says she is improving.  “I would say my reading is a lot better than my speaking, but I’ve been practicing really hard. Grammar is the most difficult part, because some phrases are backwards compared to English.”

Before and after going to China, CUE offers student’s amazing resources on our campus to improve their language skills, and gain certification required for studying and working in China through the newly established Chinese Test Centre in the Allan Wachowich building.

CUE students take Chinese Test on campus

Building a path for success with first-rate courses and professors

In the first year, students establish a strong foundation by acquiring fundamental analytical, business, communication, and professional skills. This initial year sets the stage for the exciting journey ahead.

In the second year of the program, a student’s transformative adventure in Beijing begins. The BFSU offers a remarkable opportunity to study business, finance, marketing, economics, and trade from an international perspective. 

“The International Business School at BFSU is very highly ranked among management programs –  the professors there are amazing,” says Marc. “They are helpful, engaging and encourage you to participate in leadership roles. One of my professors from Europe, Constantine, stood out for his energy and making his class fun. I loved all his classes, and that’s saying a lot considering I was learning online during the pandemic from 2 to 5 a.m. in the morning!”

Students delve into courses that cover an array of topics, including the global economy, cultural influences on business, the impact of government decisions on business operations, importing and exporting, and foreign exchange. 

Showing the variety of courses available, Lara says, “I am currently taking human resource management, marketing research methods, corporate finance (taught in English), and language courses in Chinese.”

Exploring China and taking part in Immersion Week

In addition to the rigorous academic curriculum, students are presented with a chance to explore China. “One of my favorite parts of the program was going to the Great Wall of China to the Forbidden City and to businesses during Immersion Week. We explored the Confucius Temple in Pingyao, and we went to the first bank established in China, Rishengchang Bank, which was made into a museum. During Immersion Week we also toured different companies to learn how they do business. I would describe the whole experience as the best week of my life.”

Pingyao, Jinzhong, Shanxi, China

Lara recounts writing a learning log during Immersion Week saying, “There was so much I wanted to write about, the word count was too small for me. The reporting process helped us gather our thoughts and was an enlightening experience.”

“I was learning all aspects of companies and different ideas that had evolved from traditional methods of doing things to modern ways. It was very fascinating.” – Lara

China’s rising economic market and vast consumer base make it an ideal environment for business students to gain firsthand knowledge of conducting business in a global context. Students enrolled in this program have the privilege of understanding the intricacies of Chinese business processes and important etiquette. 

Lara says, “I learned that when handing documents to someone older, or in a more senior position, you always hand it to them with both hands, and if you are at a restaurant you wait for elders to be seated first.”

CUE 1+2+1 Dual Degrees on Management students visited Pingyao with BFSU students during Immersion Week

Gaining an edge in China’s dynamic business environment

Dr. Xinxin Fang, Director, Office of Extension and Culture & Centre for Chinese Studies at Concordia University of Edmonton, says that “by embracing the rich cultural heritage and unique business environment of China, students develop a competitive edge that positions them for success in the global marketplace.”

After completing their transformative experience in China, students return to CUE to complete their final year of study. This year serves as a capstone, allowing students to integrate their international knowledge and experiences into their academic coursework.

“Students build upon their foundational skills, further honing their business acumen and preparing themselves for successful careers in management.” – Dr. Xinxin Fang

Lara with graduates on BFSU campus

Life on campus is a life-changing opportunity – sign up early!

CUE student James Fuhr, currently works in a Chinese restaurant here in Edmonton and although he has learned a lot about the business and culture there, he is excited to gain knowledge in China first-hand. He took the initial step by signing up for the dual Degree Program in his first year. “There is a lot of paperwork to fill out, so students have to begin considering this program early on, but Xinxin has been amazingly helpful at making sure we complete all the documents needed,” he says. 

James says he is interested in accounting and other management courses at BFSU, as well as the language and culture courses offered. “I’m also looking forward to internship possibilities and getting that hand-on experience, which can be the best way to learn,” he adds.

James mentions that students have the option of a private dorm or a shared dorm on campus, but James says, “I think personally that sharing a dorm is part of the overall experience.”

Campus life at BFSU is very lively, says Lara, “There are 5-6 events every day. Today there’s a performance of Macbeth and they had a day recently where all classes were canceled to take part in sports. My roommate came back yesterday saying she was exhausted, because she went to three events that day. There’s always something fun to do living on campus.”

Besides all the fun to be had on campus, the dual degree status can enhance graduates’ academic credentials by demonstrating their cross-cultural competence to prospective employers. Students, like Lara and Marc, and future CUE students like James are cultivating invaluable skills for success in an increasingly interconnected world. This program shows the importance of embracing opportunities for international learning to prepare graduates to be our global leaders of tomorrow.

Learn more about the program, the application process and requirements