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COVID-19 update: Classes going online for the month of January

COVID-19 update: Classes going online for the month of January

Posted on: Dec 21, 2021

This afternoon, CUE President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Tim Loreman attended a meeting with Alberta’s Chief Medical…

Office of the President

Scholarships for Canadian academics, students, and professionals: Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program, 2022-2023

Posted on: Dec 17, 2021

Global Affairs Canada and the Chinese Ministry of Education are offering short-term scholarships to Canadians wishing to…

Centre For Chinese Studies International Office of Extension & Culture

Chinese Bridge On-Line Winter Camp for Canadian Students Concluded

Posted on: Dec 17, 2021

After two weeks of intensive learning, the Chinese Bridge On-Line Winter Camp successfully concluded on December 16,…

Centre For Chinese Studies Office of Extension & Culture

Omicron COVID-19 update

Posted on: Dec 17, 2021

Dear CUE Community, Many of us are concerned about the spread of the new COVID-19 variation known as Omicron. It appears…

Office of the President

Travel Insurance if you are Traveling Over the Holidays

Posted on: Dec 17, 2021

If you are an active Maximum Benefit policy holder, please be aware that the Travel Insurance normally provided by our…

People & Culture