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Now Available! CUE Research Computers

Now Available! CUE Research Computers

Posted on: Mar 21, 2022

To assist CUE researchers, the Office of Research Services (ORS), with support from the Vice-President Academic &…


Join us tomorrow for the March 2022 Student Research Café!

Posted on: Mar 21, 2022

The Office of Research Services invites all interested CUE community members to tomorrow’s Student Research Café!…

Tuck Everlasting

Tuck Everlasting Premieres Tonight!

Posted on: Mar 18, 2022

We are excited to announce the students of Theatre at CUE are returning with live performances. Based on the novel by…


Two weeks left! Call for Abstracts – CUE Student Research Forum and Poster Competition

Posted on: Mar 18, 2022

CUE Student Research Forum and Poster Competition Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Location: Robert Tegler Student Centre…


Recognition Week 2022: Celebrating You

Posted on: Mar 18, 2022

This week, we are recognizing members of the CUE community who have shown kindness, empathy, and resiliency over the…

People & Culture