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The Office of the Vice President, International and Research

The Office of the Vice President, International and Research

Posted on: Jan 16, 2017

As a consequence of our growth in several areas at Concordia, including International and Research, this is to inform…


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Alberta Oil Sands – But Were Afraid to Ask Jacques Lacan

Posted on: Jan 16, 2017

The Concordia Institute for Christian Studies and Society and the Reseach Cluster On Theology and Science presents:…


Discussions on Research Collaboration on Wellness with Partner University of Porto, Portugal

Posted on: Dec 22, 2016

Dr. Barbara van Ingen, Dean of Students, went to our partner University of Porto, Portugal, on an Erasmus+ scholarship…


Discussions on Research Collaboration on Wellness with Partner University of Porto, Portugal

Posted on: Dec 22, 2016

Dr. Barbara van Ingen, Dean of Students, went to our patner University of Porto, Portugal, on an Erasmus+ scholarship…


The Second Annual Social Justice Forum -Call For Papers- Deadline is December 23, 2016

Posted on: Dec 14, 2016

The Second Annual Social Justice Forum  Hosted by OSCAR and Concordia University of Edmonton Saturday, February 11…

Centre for Innovation and Applied Research