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Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR) Pillars of Activity and Services

Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR) Pillars of Activity and Services

Posted on: Jun 2, 2017

Our Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR), launched in September 2016, has the following pillars of…


Visit from CIHR: Meet the CIHR President

Posted on: Jun 1, 2017

You are invited to an open session to meet the CIHR Acting President, Dr. Roderick McInnes. Dr. McInnes will be visiting…


Visit from CIHR: Meet the CIHR President

Posted on: Jun 1, 2017

You are invited to an open session to meet the CIHR Acting President, Dr. Roderick McInnes. Dr. McInnes will be visiting…


Centre For Chinese Studies (CCS) Promotes Workshop on Global Perspectives of Inclusive Education

Posted on: May 18, 2017

The Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS) at CUE was delighted to invite Prof. Chris Forlin to present at the Global…

Centre For Chinese Studies International Research

Concordia Student wins First Prize at Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference (WCUCC)

Posted on: May 10, 2017

Kathleen Navis, under the supervision of Dr. John Washington, won the first prize at the Western Canadian Undergraduate…

Faculty of Science Research