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Launch of a New Research Cluster

Posted on: Oct 7, 2020

We are glad to announce the creation of the Research Cluster “Scholars for Intersectional Anti-Racism”. This new cluster is co-directed by Dr. Teresa Fowler, in the Faculty of Education, and Dr. Ian Davidson, in the Faculty of Arts. We are looking forward to this new research group at CUE, which we are positive will become a leader in this important and continuously evolving field.

On a related note, the Research Clusters “Focus on Women” and “Interdisciplinary Research Group on Travel” have been officially disbanded by their leadership, and will cease operations immediately. We acknowledge the relevance that the activities from these groups had for our community, including faculty and students. We would like to thank the leaders and other members of these Clusters for their dedication and support to research and dissemination at CUE, and wish them the best in their new and exciting research endeavours.



Information on the Research Cluster “Scholars for Intersectional Anti-Racism”

The Scholars for Intersectional Anti-Racism Research Cluster seeks to focus on anti-racism scholarship and pedagogy across academic disciplines. More specifically, the cluster highlights and works against blockages to equity experienced by racialized individuals. Using an intersectional and integrative approach, the intent is to bring together scholarship from the CUE community that promotes equity and inclusion through an anti-racist lens. The cluster’s work seeks to enhance scholarship and pedagogy in our community with an equitable approach to knowledge creation and mobilization, including explorations of alternative forms of knowledge generating and teaching. While the focus remains within our CUE community, this work is not done in isolation. We will form partnerships with communities outside of CUE such as other research institutions and community organizations as a means to form collaborative working relationships. Supporting students is also a goal of the cluster. Student support will look like mentorship through volunteer opportunities, learning at monthly salon or workshop sessions, as well as opportunities to engage in research which aligns with the mandate of our cluster.
Group Members
Teresa Fowler, Co-Leader and Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education.
Ian Davidson, Co-Leader and Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts.
Anju Anand, Psychology Field Placement Coordinator, Faculty of Arts.
Mai Hussein, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts.

If you are interested in joining this Research Cluster, please contact one of their members directly.