FINAL REMINDER- Internal Research Grants – Oct 2019 call. Deadline is next week!
Posted on: Sep 23, 2019
CUE Internal Research Grant Program
Faculty Internal Grants
Seed Grants and Impact Grants
This is the final reminder for the submission of applications to the faculty internal grant. The call closes on October 1st, 2019.
Applications are only accepted as a single PDF file containing all the documents for the application, sent via email to No other submissions will be accepted or sent for adjudication.
Non-compliant applications, if received before noon on September 26th, will be returned to applicants for formatting and resubmission (deadline still applies).
Applications & Guidelines
There are two grant streams and separate applications for each stream. Please use the correct application form for the stream your activity represents: Impact Grants for Knowledge Mobilization activities (dissemination) and Seed Grants for short-term research initiatives (projects).
Impact Grants
Impact Grants support knowledge mobilization activities that move research knowledge into outcomes and impact in academia and in the community. These funds support short-term, targeted KMb activities such as presentations at conferences, workshops, juried artistic exhibits, oral histories, interactive, digital and video technologies, commissioned reports, knowledge syntheses, and other forms of connecting and disseminating research knowledge.
Next Deadline: Oct 1st, 2019 | Application >> | Guidelines>>
Seed Grants
Seed Grants provide funding for faculty research projects, particularly those that have the potential to lead to applications to external funding agencies. Grants awarded through this fund serve as seed funding to carry out essential developmental work that will be used in developing research programs and preparing applications for external funding opportunities. Seed Grants are intended to build and sustain a vibrant research culture at Concordia University of Edmonton and to develop and support research and innovation, and enhancing CUE competitiveness.
Next Deadline: Oct 1st 2019 | Application >> | Guidelines>>
Effective award dates
October 1st, 2019 to September 30th, 2020. Expenses must be incurred during this period. Neither retroactive expenses, nor those incurred after the end date of the award are eligible.
Annual Deadlines
Three competitions are held per year. October 1st | February 1st | May 15th
Adjudication Rubrics
Applications will be evaluated and available funds awarded through a competitive process. The rubric used for assessment is available in the guidelines. The total funding envelope for 2019 – 2020 is set by the institution’s annual budget. Because this funding is limited, the demand for funds normally exceeds the funds available and not all proposals can be awarded.