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Fab Friday June 5th, 2020

Posted on: Jun 5, 2020

Hi CUE!  Welcome to Fab Friday, an initiative of CUE Wellness Connection. #cuewellness #wegotthis

Looking for info or resources related to COVID?  Or maybe for other services in your community?

211 is a helpline and online database of Alberta’s community and social services. 211 is answered and updated by highly-trained specialists. It’s Free. Confidential. Available 24/7. You can call, text or live chat.  https://www.ab.211.ca/

Click here to enlarge poster.

Check out these videos of how 211 has helped others:



We encourage you to check CUE social media pages every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for: 

Mindful Mondays – Join us at https://meet.google.com/szc-hewx-ocd every Monday from 9:00 to 10:00 AM where we’ll chat about various topics related to social connection and mindfulness.

Wellness Wednesdays – a new weekly fitness challenge will be posted every Wednesday. Check out https://www.instagram.com/cuedmonton/ and https://www.instagram.com/cue_athletics/ daily for more ways to stay active during isolation. #cuestaysactive

Fab Fridays – every Friday will focus on other wellness topics like nutrition, sleep, relaxation, laughter, and much more!  

Questions? Contact CUE Wellness at nicole.houghtaling@concordia.ab.ca for more information.

Have a great weekend!