CRKN-Negotiated APC Discount (Elsevier Open Access Platform)
Posted on: May 17, 2021
Earlier this year, the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) reached a transformative agreement with Elsevier, the Netherlands-based publishing company, by which CRKN members participating in the CRKN-Elsevier license, such as Concordia University of Edmonton, are eligible to receive a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC). The 20% APC discount is applied to articles submitted to eligible hybrid and Gold Open Access Elsevier journals between January 2021 and December 31st, 2023.
Elsevier’s Open Access Platform (EOAP), comparable to SAGE’s Open Access Portal, serves to facilitate the open access process. However, until next year’s launch of an automatic validation process for participating CRKN institutions that are eligible for the discount, CRKN will be responsible for the validation process. The following notes provide additional information pertaining to the submission of manuscripts through EOAP:
- Upon final acceptance of an article for publication, the corresponding author receives an e-mail with a link to choose publishing options and will be asked to choose their institutional affiliation from an auto-complete form.
- For hybrid journals, if the corresponding author declares themselves affiliated with a CRKN institution, they will be presented with the option to publish as a subscription article, or to publish open access. For Gold OA journals, the article is published open access by default. For either option, the author will be presented with a notification stating that they will receive the 20% APC discount.
- The author is then given the choice of copyright license – CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
- Once the author has chosen a license and completed the remainder of the acceptance process, CRKN is provided with a notification of validation within 48 hours. Upon validation by CRKN, the author will receive the invoice with the discount included.
For additional information, consult the How to get the most out of your new Elsevier Open Access Platform training document and the FAQs on the EOAP Support Center webpage.