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Classical Music Appreciation and Introduction to Popular Music extension course Info Session

Posted on: Apr 19, 2021

The Office of Extension and Culture is excited to offer 2 new music courses, Classical Music Appreciation and Introduction to Popular Music.

Classical Music Appreciation (X-MUE 1)

A survey of nearly two thousand years of music history, from Gregorian chant to new works of the twenty-first century. Students will be exposed to many musical genres including motets, symphonies, opera, and jazz, as well as learn about representative composers’ lives and compositions.

Popular Music (X-MUE 3)

Study the development of Western popular musical styles such as blues, gospel, jazz, folk, country-and-western and rock-and-roll. The course examines the musical elements that define these common genres, how those elements have changed over time and how popular music has both reflected and influenced social change.

To learn more about the courses and see if they’re right for you, join us at our INFO SESSION:

Tuesday, April 20th from  7-8: 00 pm

Register for the INFO SESSION here

Questions? Contact us at: extension@concordia.ab.ca