Christopher Everett awarded First Prize in the 2020 URSCA
Posted on: May 29, 2020
Congratulations to Christopher Everett, student in the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, for his First Prize award in the poster presentation session at the 2020 Annual Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta (URSCA).
It was a very successful event, with 114 student abstract submissions. This year, two CUE members participated as judges during oral presentations: Carla Craveiro-Salvado, Sessional Instructor in the Faculty of Science, and Ramses Ilarraza, CUE’s Assistant Vice-President Research. The list of awards can be consulted here.
The poster presented by Chris was entitled “The Average Case of the LLL-Algorithm” (see abstract below). He had an excellent presentation and the judges were very pleased with his poster. Congratulations to his supervisor, Dr. Ha Tran!
The 2020 URSCA had originally been scheduled to be held at MacEwan University, but was cancelled due to COVID-19. However, the organization committee refused to let it disappear, and decided to move the conference online, now organized by the University of Lethbridge.
For 2021, CUE will host the URSCA in our Campus, as part of our centennial celebrations. We are excited by the opportunity to hold this significant research event on our grounds. Information on this will be released in late 2020.
In cryptography, lattice based cryptosystems are gaining in popularity due to their complex nature and utility in the upcoming age of quantum computers. This presentation aims to discuss one aspect of lattice based cryptosystems through analyzing the average case of a lattice reduction algorithm known as the LLL-Algorithm (Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz).