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Centre for Chinese Studies Winter 2023

Posted on: Jan 10, 2023
The Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS) would like to extend a warm welcome to all new CUE students and wish everyone a Happy New Year!  Below are some of what the CCS offers in partnership and collaboration with CUE Faculties and the community:

Continuing Education courses : 

► Chinese language  (credit) : These courses are open to CUE students, with an opportunity to receive the CCS Language Scholarship.

► Centre for Chinese Studies Language Scholarship: This scholarship is to support students who are registered in a Chinese language course at CUE.

► Chinese Partner Program: This program is open to anyone who is registered for a Chinese language course (credit or continuing education), free of charge.

► Spring Reflections Art Exhibition: Please feel free to stop by AW 207 Student Design Thinking Room from 9 am to 4 pm from Friday, January 20 to February 20, 2023.  An Opening Ceremony will be held at 7 pm on January 20, 2023. Everyone is welcome.

► Chinese New Year Celebration: Join us at 12:00pm on Friday, January 20 in Tegler to celebrate the Chinese New Year! This event is open to everyone. 

For more information about the CCS, visit here or contact us at: extension@concordia.ab.ca