Centre for Chinese Studies Celebrated Completion of First Cohort
Posted on: Aug 12, 2019
The Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS) celebrated the completion of the Qilu Normal University (QLNU) and Education University of Hong Kong (EDUHK) summer programs on the afternoon of August 8th, 2019.
The students have worked hard during their month-long stay in Edmonton. They attended credit courses such as ENG 101, PESS 293, SOC 102, and PACT 240. They participated in lectures such as Second Language Education in Canada and Canadian Families.
They adjusted well to life in residence and have greatly improved their English abilities by communicating with Concordia staff, locals, and one another.

The SOC 102 students also had opportunities to visit or volunteer at the Edmonton Food Bank, Habitat for humanity, Fruits of Sherbrooke, and Edmonton Police Headquarters.

The celebration was well attended by CUE staff and fellow students from Capital Normal University (CNU).
President and Vice Chancellor Dr. Tim Loreman presented greetings to the students and handed out certificates to the newest class of graduates from Concordia University of Edmonton. Special awards were handed out to the ‘best performing’, ‘most engaged’, and ‘most helpful’ students by Vice President Academic and Provost Dr. Valerie Henitiuk and Dean of Education Dr. Edgar Schmidt.

Thoughtful speeches were given by the supervisors and student representatives from QLNU, EDUHK and CNU. The celebration concluded with student-led performances such as singing, dancing, a piano solo and martial arts! The audience was blown away by the vast talents that the students from each university possess. Lastly, the students shared a final dinner together at the Bodega Highlands Golf Course.

As the QLNU and EDUHK students return home to China, those from CNU are also beginning a new adventure. The 23 students will be moving out of CUE residence and into homestay on August 23rd. Homestay will provide them with the opportunity to learn more about Canadian culture and to experience life as a true Edmontonian. A final challenge will be their new class, EDU 199, a course which will introduce them to the profession of teaching.