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The Faculty Writing Circle is back this Friday, now online!

Posted on: Aug 3, 2020

  We are relaunching the Faculty Writing Circle (FWC) online now, now led by the AVP Research, Ramses Ilarraza.…

Campus Recreation Class today – Thursday July 30 @ Noon!

Posted on: Jul 30, 2020

Join us at 12:00 noon online for a Tabata high intensity fitness class! NO RSVP needed, just log into Google Meet via…


The Faculty Writing Circle is back and now online!

Posted on: Jul 20, 2020

  We are relaunching the Faculty Writing Circle (FWC) online now, now led by the AVP Research, Ramses Ilarraza.…

2020-2021 Online CUE Instructor Orientation and Welcome – August 25, 2020

Posted on: Jul 17, 2020

Given the current circumstances related to COVID19, the usual in-person Faculty Retreat will not be held in August this…

Academic Administration

CUE Newsletter-June 29

Posted on: Jun 29, 2020

INSIDE THIS EDITION: Check out what’s new this week in the CUE Weekly Newsletter. Happy Canada Day!

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