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The United Nations HeForShe Movement is coming to CUE!

Posted on: Sep 11, 2019

Concordia University of Edmonton will be the first Alberta stop in the tour, which will be travelling from Toronto to…

Student Life & Learning

General Faculties Council

Posted on: Sep 10, 2019

General Faculties Council meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at noon in HA015.  The next GFC meeting…

Open House 2017

Save the Date for Open House

Posted on: Sep 9, 2019

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!Open House | October 19 | 10am to 2pm Save the Date! Prospective students, their parents and…

Upcoming Art Exhibitions at the CUE Library

Posted on: Sep 9, 2019

The CUE Library is proud to host the following exhibits from Alberta Foundation for the Arts’s Travelling…


Oct. 5th – Third Annual Round Dance

Posted on: Sep 9, 2019

Please join us for CUE’s third annual Round Dance on Saturday, October 5th in the Ralph King Gym!  We will be…

Indigenous Knowledge & Research Centre