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Fire Alarm Testing on Campus Nov 3

Posted on: Oct 30, 2019

Please be advised the morning of November 3rd there will be campus fire alarm testing. This will only be a test –…

World Gala and Global News

Posted on: Oct 30, 2019

Did you catch our VP External Affairs and International Relations, Dr. Manfred Zeuch, and Director of Community…

External Affairs

Funding Opportunity – SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants “Living Within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity”

Posted on: Oct 29, 2019

The following information is provided by SSHRC, NSERC and CIHR on a new funding opportunity on Knowledge Synthesis…


Con Brio Trio Debuts at Noontime Student Recital

Posted on: Oct 29, 2019

Join us for the second noontime student recital in Tegler on Wednesday, Oct. 30! Catch some British and German vocal…

Welcome, Ilse Thibodeau, Human Resources Assistant!

Posted on: Oct 29, 2019

Welcome Ilse Thibodeau – Human Resources Assistant! Human Resources is pleased to announce Ilse Thibodeau has…

People & Culture