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First Inuit novelist inspired Dr. Valerie Henitiuk’s research

Posted on: Apr 20, 2020

Our VPA & Provost, Dr. Valerie Henitiuk, has been researching Inuit literature for the past several years (initially…


SunLife: Our Message to You

Posted on: Apr 17, 2020

I hope you and your families are well and staying safe in these extraordinary times. I’m connecting with you to…

People & Culture

Distance Teaching Resources

Posted on: Apr 17, 2020

Greetings Concordia! I’m Daniel Braun, your new Educational Developer, here to help facilitate the sudden shift…

Academic Administration

Concordia Signs Strategic MOU with the University of Erlangen, Germany

Posted on: Apr 17, 2020

In the midst of a world health crisis, CUE continues to cultivate our global friendships and foster new ones. We are…


Google Chrome Extensions for Google Meet

Posted on: Apr 17, 2020

IT Services has published some guidance on Google Chrome extensions that are being used to enhance Google Meet for…

IT Services