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“Please Clean” signs help efficiency

Posted on: Sep 9, 2020

Door hangers and desk signs have been distributed throughout the University. If you use your workspace/office please…

Health & Safety

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day!

Posted on: Sep 9, 2020

Every year on September 10th, people in over 50 countries connect to Work Together to Prevent Suicide.  Here are some…

CUE Wellness

President Loreman’s Wednesday Update, September 9, 2020.

Posted on: Sep 9, 2020

Dear CUE Community, A small number of our students will have received messages indicating that classes are cancelled for…

Office of the President

Dr. Bill Anderson – New Publication!

Posted on: Sep 8, 2020

Dr. Bill Anderson, Professor of Pop Culture and Religious Studies here at CUE, is pleased to announce the publication of…

Faculty of Arts Philosophy and Religious Studies

CUE Library Updates & Information for Instructors

Posted on: Sep 8, 2020

CUE Library remains available to support your teaching needs virtually during the fall semester! Download a copy of our…
