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Bring your creations to life. Learn why intellectual property matters

Posted on: Oct 29, 2019

Thinking of an idea or an invention? Or maybe a business name, product design, or original artistic work? Working on an…

Centre for Innovation and Applied Research

Theatre @CUE presents Blithe Spirit

Posted on: Oct 29, 2019

A smash comedy hit of the London and Broadway stages is being presented by Theatre @CUE! This much-revived classic…

Drama Faculty of Arts

The CSO presents “In the Footsteps of a Giant”

Posted on: Oct 25, 2019

On Sunday, October 27, the Concordia Symphony Orchestra (dir. Danielle Lisboa) presents “Brahms 1: In the…

Concordia signs new MOU in India

Posted on: Oct 24, 2019

  We are pleased to announce the signature of a cooperation MOU with Chandigarh University, in India. The agreement…

External Affairs International

Dr. Elizabeth Smythe on Global News

Posted on: Oct 23, 2019

Did you catch Global News last night?  Our very own Dr. Elizabeth Smythe was interviewed regarding her views on the…

Faculty of Arts