Battered and Bruised Thunder Hockey Team Move Back into Playoff Position
Posted on: Feb 24, 2014
The Thunder Hockey team played some of their best hockey of the season this past weekend, despite what the scores might indicate (5-3 win on Friday, 2-2 OT tie on Saturday). Battling through difficult play calling and some serious injuries (broken femur, broken ankle, broken wrist, broken hand – on top of the team's captain being out prior to the weekend with a separated shoulder) the team displayed great resolve and determination in coming away with 3 points. Friday's game required that the team's penalty killing was on point due to a plethora of calls against the Thunder, while Saturday's game – where the Thunder out-shot the Clippers by a 50 to 20 margin – required patience in dealing with a very hot Clippers goaltender and once again, some 'challenging' officiating. The good news from all of this is that the resolve of the Thunder players resulted in the team moving back into a playoff position. The team will be looking to lock that position up as they take on the Augustan Vikings this coming weekend. The home game goes on Friday, February 28th at 8:15 PM at Glengarry Arena. Before that, The Concordia Thunder Hockey team will be the focus of a pep rally at Noon on the 28th. Come down to Tegler and cheer on the Thunder Hockey team!!