Alumnus doubles his financial support to help the next generation Thunder players
Posted on: Apr 6, 2023
CUE’s university programs and sports have a lasting impact on students, so much so that many alumni are donating to ensure the programs continue to give exceptional benefits to current students. Peter Dushenski is a former student and Thunder teammate who is leaving a legacy of leadership allowing student athletes to excel in class and on the courts.
Peter graduated from CUE’s after degree program for Environmental Public Health in 2011, and decided that in today’s economic climate, now is a vital time to give back. “The economic situation for students has been that much harder in the last couple years. I feel it’s just a modest gesture, but I very much want to help students,” says Peter, who has generously doubled his donation to two scholarships: the Dushenski Family Scholarship and Dushenski Family Don’t Give Up Award – $3600 award for each student recipient.
Peter played on Concordia’s badminton and golf teams. “There was a great balance to playing both sports. They had a lot of crossover – coaches and players had the same rigidity and discipline.”
Peter Dushenski, CUE Alumnus
Strong relationships are built on the Thunder teams
Playing on the badminton team was an excellent bonding experience – including the opportunity to travel to Hawaii. “The tournament was the sweatiest tournament – you couldn’t even hold your racket because it was so humid and hot.” Despite the intense heat, Peter remembers it fondly as a time when the team created strong connections.
Peter began playing badminton around the age of 12, and since leaving CUE, he makes time to play the sport when he can. Throughout his years at CUE he says he will never forget the lively team atmosphere and strong relationships that will outlast his time at university.
“It was a very formative time and it’s meaningful for me to support the next generation of student athletes in the program.” – Peter
The opportunities for young badminton players is changing
There are many differences between college badminton versus club badminton, Peter explains. “At college you get this great hybrid of an individual sport in a team atmosphere, whereas club badminton, which I played as a teenager, it’s more of an individual sport, where you might only be tight with your doubles partner.” Peter says CUE’s Thunder teams have a supportive team environment that can’t be replicated.
The landscape of badminton is changing, and for that reason there are diverse students entering into college badminton teams. The elite clubs are no longer dominating the badminton world, as more warehouse style playing facilities open in Edmonton and across the country. These facilities are more affordable, taking away the class structures that might hold most young people back.
“In the last 20 years a new model has emerged, the warehouses are an alternative to the private club – they’re more focused and have broadened the accessibility of the sport,” says Peter.
CUE is a place for student athletes to excel
For the young people coming out of the badminton programs, Peter strongly recommends they attend CUE.
“Not only is the level of competition absolutely awesome at CUE, but the classroom sizes at CUE also mean there is a high level of student teacher engagement.” – Peter
Peter’s reason for giving back is because he feels so strongly that CUE gave him so much, and most of all he said he is interested in rewarding student-athletes for hard work.
Peter’s success in business since leaving university gave him a great opportunity to give back, and he encourages other CUE alumni to do the same. As Managing Director of GlasCurtain, his company is on the cutting-edge of high-performance, low-carbon curtain walls for new buildings. Peter says, you never know where a degree from CUE will take you, and is grateful that what he learned at CUE is also very transferable to the construction industry.
As an alumni keeping the connection to CUE has been beneficial to Peter. Once you graduate it shouldn’t be the last time you have a connection to your alma mater, he insists.
“It’s important to show how the world can loop back on itself. You never know who you will connect with from Concordia, it’s important to always keep the doors…and the conversation open.” – Peter
Read more about this year’s Dushenski Scholarship winner.
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