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Accounts Payable New Forms

Posted on: Feb 7, 2020


Accounts Payable has made some changes to the forms listed below.   

All forms have been updated to reflect the current Signing Authority Procedure.   Delegated Signing Authority approval is no longer accepted and exceptions to Concordia’s Policies and Procedures must now be approved by Vice President, President or Board Chair only. 

Effective today please ensure that the Feb20 version of these forms are used.  Older versions of these forms will not be accepted and returned to the Approver.  Forms can be accessed from Alfresco Employee Resources/Document Library/Finance in the individual folder as listed in brackets. 

Employee Expense Claim (Accounts Payable Forms)

Mileage Log (Accounts Payable Forms and Travel)

  • The mileage claim for each trip must now be supported by a printed Google Map.   
  • Do not combine local and travel KM on the same Mileage Log.

Employee Travel Advance (Travel)

Employee Travel Expense Claim (Travel)

  • Travel Expense Claim must be submitted to Accounts Payable within 30 days of your return. 

If you have any questions regarding the new forms please contact Accounts Payable.
