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Arts-Faculty Student Mixer

Arts-Faculty Student Mixer

Posted on: Sep 21, 2016

All Arts faculty are invited to the "Pizza with Your Profs" lunch this Friday, 23 September in the library…

Faculty of Arts

Concordia Signs Intra-Canada Exchange Agreement with Québec

Posted on: Sep 20, 2016

We are pleased to announce that a first MOU and Exchange Agreement have been signed between Concordia and another…


Concordia Signs Intra-Canada Exchange Agreement with Québec

Posted on: Sep 20, 2016

We are pleased to announce that a first MOU and Exchange Agreement have been signed between Concordia and another…


Research Cluster Focus on Women Announces its Activities

Posted on: Sep 19, 2016

We are pleased to announce on behalf of Dr. Wendy Pullin and Dr. Linda Van Netten Blimke, chairs of…


Two Wins for Men’s Soccer on Their Northern Tour

Posted on: Sep 19, 2016

The Thunder Men’s Soccer team took all 6 points that were up for grabs this weekend in Grande Prairie and have…
