Quick links

Did you miss the Let’s Talk About Cannabis Workshop?

Did you miss the Let’s Talk About Cannabis Workshop?

Posted on: Jan 28, 2022

You can watch it here!  

CUE Wellness

Building Resilience workshop for CUE employees – Feb 1st!

Posted on: Jan 27, 2022

Building Resilience is a 2.5 hour online workshop geared to developing and building your own resilience plan in the…

CUE Wellness

IT Services Security Notice

Posted on: Jan 26, 2022

Recently, there was a targeted phishing email that went out to a large number of CUE Faculty and Staff with the subject…

Helpdesk IT Services

Welcome to Concordia, Equbay Kiflay!

Posted on: Jan 26, 2022

Please welcome Equbay Kiflay (pronounced Oo-q-bai Kif-lai) to the IT Services team as the IT Operations Coordinator!…

IT Services

Bell Let’s Talk – Short Films

Posted on: Jan 26, 2022

Watch this years Bell Let’s Talk short films! We highly suggest the Joe Buffalo video! You can watch them here.…

CUE Wellness