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Bus Services End on Friday April 29

Bus Services End on Friday April 29

Posted on: Apr 22, 2022

ETS bus service will be stopping on Friday April 29 for the summer.

Jira Outage April 22, 5PM

Posted on: Apr 22, 2022

Jira and Confluence will be unavailable starting tonight from 5PM until 12AM for required maintenance. Please send any…

Helpdesk IT Services

One week left! SSHRC Explore and Exchange Grants (April 2022)

Posted on: Apr 22, 2022

The Office of Research Services is accepting applications for the SSHRC Explore and Exchange Grants (April 2022)…



Posted on: Apr 21, 2022

Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to join the CSA on the front lawn at Concordia, on April 29th from 12:00 pm to…

Student Life & Learning

Food Services Suspended Over the Summer

Posted on: Apr 21, 2022

Dana will be suspending food and catering services over the summer.  The last day the Kiosk will be open is Friday,…