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CUE Commitment Advisors Wanted

Posted on: Sep 18, 2019

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The CUE Commitment team is still recruiting advisors for CUE Commitment Program.  Please consider contributing to your campus community by becoming a CUE Commitment Advisor today!  Whether you are an administrator, an advisor, a faculty member, or a director, you’ll have life experience and an exciting career path to share with a student. You can be a great role model and time commitment is only 2 hours per semester.

What is it?

  • A Commitment Advisor is matched to every Concordia Commitment Student. Your role is to meet with the student twice per semester to discuss how their term is going, talk about future plans, and simply get to know one another. 


  • When you meet with the student is up to you. Your matched student will reach out to you to set up a time and will work within your schedule. 


  • You can feel free to meet with the student in your office, the cafeteria for a coffee, or anywhere you’re comfortable on campus. 


  • The purpose of this role is to provide students with another friendly face on campus in addition to mentorship.

If you would like to know more about the program, or would like to be a CUE Commitment Advisor, contact Keely Cronin, Director Student Life and Learning at 780 479-9230, or keely.cronin@concordia.ab.ca.