Over $17,500 raised at CUE Mental Health Breakfast
Posted on: May 4, 2017
Over $17,500 raised at CUE Mental Health Breakfast
This morning at Concordia over 80 people attended the President’s Fundraising Breakfast for Mental Health. The audience heard that according to the most recent National College Health Assessment survey in the past 12 months, 66% of Concordia students felt that things were hopeless, 52% felt so depressed that it was difficult to function, and 71% felt overwhelming anxiety. President Tim Loreman and VP Student Life and Learning Dr. Barbara van Ingen provided context before student speakers Courtney Hunt and Nadine Uwimana shared personal stories that highlighted the importance of supporting students facing mental health difficulties. CUE Board member Stewart Maschmeyer finished the morning by outlining the important difference that support for mental illness can make.
At this point, after expenses, a total of over $17,500 was raised as a direct result of the breakfast. Concordia is grateful for the generosity of our donors and this money will be used wisely to promote mental wellness for students at our university. Those who were unable to attend but who still wish to make a donation may do so here: https://concordia.ab.ca/donate/