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Conference: Theology and the Philosophy of Science: Analytic, Scholastic, and Historical Perspectives

Posted on: Oct 6, 2016

On behalf of the Interdisciplinary Research Cluster on Theology and the Sciences, here is an invitation to the upcoming conference on

Theology and the Philosophy of Science:

Analytic, Scholastic, and Historical Perspectives





Friday October 14th


5:00-6:30 in Tegler Auditorium

Nancey Murphy (Fuller Theological Seminary) Alasdair MacIntyre as Philosopher of Science and Potential Guide to Theologians

Thomas McLaughlin (St. John Vianney Seminary) Energy and Aristotelian/Thomistic Act and Potency



Saturday October 15th


5:00-6:30 in HA 015

Fr. Michael Dodds (Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology, Berkeley) The Impact of Science on the Theology of Divine Action: Thomistic Perspectives

Andrew Moore (Oxford University) Why Theology Has (Virtually) Nothing to Learn from Science

Please see the attached documents for the programcluster-theologyandsciences-conferenceprogram


Poster: theology-and-the-philosophy-of-science_callforabstracts_8-5x11_updated