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Interaction with Coyotes on campus

Posted on: Apr 17, 2018

There have been some daytime sightings of Coyotes on our campus recently. Security called the City of Edmonton today who have reported it to the Park Rangers. We want Coyotes to stay off our campus to avoid any conflict with people. Please see the advice from the Edmonton Urban Coyote Project listed below. For more information http://www.edmontonurbancoyotes.ca/whatcanido.php

We need your help!

Here are a few simple things that can be done to discourage coyote habituation:

  • When you encounter a coyote act aggressive: Shout in a deep voice, wave your arms, throw non-edible objects towards the coyote, and make yourself look big while maintining eye contactNever run away: like with most dogs this behavior makes them want to chase after you
  • Secure anything that could attract coyotes to your property (garbage, compost, birdseed, pet food, fallen fruit- see Operation Fruit Rescue).
  • Keep cats and small dogs indoors, and keep them on-leash in park areas
  • Never feed a coyote either in person or by leaving food for it

In order to co-exist with coyotes, it is crucial that we maintain and reinforce their natural fear of humans. For more information please see the City of Edmonton brochure for avoiding human-coyote conflict