Welcoming CUE’s new Dean of Education, Dr. Brent Bradford
Posted on: Jun 1, 2022
Please join us in giving Dr. Brent Bradford a warm welcome in his new role of Dean of Education, which begins today.
Since 2015, Dr. Bradford has been a Faculty Member in CUE’s Faculty of Education, where he has taught and supervised in the BEd After Degree and graduate programs. He also previously served as the Chair of CUE’s Department of Physical Education & Wellness, a role he will resume on July 1, 2022, in addition to his role as Dean.
Dr. Bradford taught elementary and junior high school from 2000 to 2009, where he was recognized for his work in the area of physical and health education. In addition to physical and health education, his research interests include inclusive education, teacher education, campus wellness, and the doctoral journey in education. Dr. Bradford currently serves as the President of the Education Society of Edmonton and the Co-Chair of CUE’s Interdisciplinary Research Cluster on Wellness. In 2019, he was the recipient of CUE’s Gerald S. Krispin Research Award.
Many thanks to everyone who took part in the Dean selection process by participating in the search committee, attending the presentation and meet-and-greet events, and by offering feedback. We also want to extend our appreciation to Dr. Edgar Schmidt for serving as the Dean of Education since 2017.