Weekly E-Newsletter
Posted on: May 2, 2013
“This Week at Concordia” E-Newsletter
“This Week at Concordia” is a weekly E-Newsletter sent out to students and staff at Concordia. Those who wish to convey information or announcements to “all students” through the weekly newsletter should send the information to studentlife@concordia.ab.ca using the subject line, “Newsletter Item”. Please include a suggested headline which will enable students to identify quickly how relevant that information is to them personally (information submitted for consideration must be relevant to Concordia) The Student Life Administrative Assistant will compile information received, and will prioritize the information in the newsletter format, and will send out the newsletter weekly through the all students email. Student Life will send out newsletters on Mondays containing information for that week.
To be included in the newsletter, submissions must be sent to studentlife@concordia.ab.ca by 4:30 pm on the Thursday before Monday’s publication.