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Unit Name Change: Housing Services

Posted on: Nov 30, 2020

Please be advised that the Residence Life unit with our Student Life & Learning department has been renamed to Housing Services to best reflect the scope of work and future directions.

We pride ourselves on an excellent residence living experience and are consistently grateful for the work of our campus partners in providing outstanding service to our residents.

As we look forward to the future of Housing at CUE, we will continue to prioritize an outstanding residence life experience, but we will also be providing additional focus to meeting the service excellence expectations of the 2020 student. As a result of COVID-19 we are also providing some additional support to students in navigating off-campus housing systems.

William Logan will continue as the coordinator responsible for supporting student housing at CUE with a new title to reflect the updated unit name: Housing Services Coordinator.

residence@concordia.ab.ca remains the best contact for students looking for support from the Housing Services team.

Online Meet appointments with students can be booked on our website (soon to be updated!) but phone lines to Housing Services are down as we transition to a new office space in Eberhardt Hall.

Thank you so much for your support, please feel free to reach out to William Logan or Chelsey McLeod with any questions.