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Thunder Golfers Fair Well at Northern Regional

Posted on: Sep 16, 2013

The Thunder Golf Team travelled to Lacombe this past weekend to compete in the ACAC Northern Regional, hosted by Red Deer College. Sporting a roster of 4 men and 1 woman, the team is larger than it has been in many years.  Under new Head Coach Larry Petryk, the team had some admirable individual results. On the men's side, first year Connor Beeston shot 79 and 84 and finished in the top 12.  Brandon Algeo had a respectful 86 and 84 shot rounds. On the women's side, 3rd year player Carly Curran finished in tenth place over the two day event. The Thunder are looking forward to a couple more practice rounds in the next couple of weeks before they leave for the ACAC Championships in Olds on September 28th and 29th.

Carly Curran