Thunder Athletics Brings Back K-Days Parking Fundraiser
Posted on: Jul 20, 2022
For the first time since 2019, Thunder Athletics will be running our K-days Parking Scholarship fundraiser from Friday, July 22nd to Sunday, July 31st (inclusive).
As in past years, if you possess an annual parking pass from Precise Parklink (West) Ltd., simply notify the parking attendants in order to access the parking lot. The only difference between K-days parking and that of the rest of the school year is if you normally have a reserved parking space, it will NOT be valid for this 10-day period. We will be observing ‘first come, first served’ parking procedures so please just park in the most convenient space available to you if your regular spot is occupied.
Please note that the Concordia K-days parking ‘gates’ will open at 11 AM each morning and will be in effect until 11 PM each evening. If you or your students will be coming on campus before that time, then the same parking rules that are in effect the rest of the year will be enforced. (i.e. parking enforcement will patrol lots as normal to ensure that all vehicles have either a valid parking pass or a K-Days pass). If you have students or other visitors that will be on campus during this period, please let them know that they will need to specify to the attendants that they are here on ‘Concordia business’ and that they are not attending K-days, and will need to purchase a pass from the kiosk as usual. Having said that, any and all visitors to campus who wish to contribute to Concordia and to Thunder Athletics Scholarships would certainly be encouraged to purchase a K-days pass. Such contributions would be most welcome and greatly appreciated!
Just as we did before, to help ensure that traffic flows more smoothly, all vehicles entering campus after 11 AM will be directed to the entrance at the south end of 73rd street, adjacent to the southwest corner of the soccer field. All vehicles leaving campus will be directed to exit from the access road that runs between the northwest corner of the soccer field and the Ralph King Athletic Centre. The establishment of this ‘one way’ routing is for everyone’s safety and will also enable us to keep more accurate usage statistics which in turn, will allow us to improve the efficiency of this service in years to come.
The rates to park at K-Days for 2022 will be $15 per day per vehicle (which is $5 less than across the street).
Thank you in advance to everyone for your cooperation. Although it presents a minor inconvenience for 10 days, the money raised is sincerely appreciated by both the student-athletes who receive scholarships and by the coaches and Athletics staff who are aided in the recruiting process by having scholarship money to offer and subsequently able to maintain a highly competitive athletics program.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Blair Cipywnyk (Program & Sport Information Coordinator) at
Thank you again for your patience and support.
The Athletics Department