The Office of the Vice President, International and Research – Updates
Posted on: Aug 22, 2017

For information to Concordia’s faculty, staff and students, this is the structure of the office of the Vice President, International and Research:
Vice President, International and Research
Dr. Manfred Zeuch, PhD
Office HA 213 (moving to CSRI at the opening in 2018)
Tel: Direct: +1 780 479 9329
Oversees Concordia’s Internationalization, international partnerships and programs, and international recruitment in partnership with the recruitment office. Oversees Concordia’s research and innovation activities, as well as industry connection and entrepreneurship. Oversees the Centre for Science, Research and Innovation (CSRI) and the Research and International Office (RIO):
International Officer
Ms. Amanda Thorson, M.A. (International Relations)
(filling in for Ms. Zuzana Schmidtova Ritzer, M.A., [North American History and Politics], M.A. [Management of nonprofit Organization], on maternity leave)
Office: Library (moving into new Student Success Centre at the opening)
Tel: Direct: +1 780 479 9351
With the VP, managing international partnerships, program cooperation, international recruitment agencies partnerships, study abroad/education abroad, cultural events on campus, and the non for credit English Programs (EAP, IESP, CSS…)
International Students Officer
Dr. Xinxin Fang, PhD (Linguistics)
Office: Library (moving into new Student Success Centre at the opening)
Tel. +1 780 378 8437
With the VP, responsible for welcoming international students and directing and managing international student services on campus, cultural events, and the non for credit English Programs (EAP, IESP, CSS…). Liaising with Edmonton Coalition for support for international students city wide.
Director of the Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS)
Dr. Xinxin Fang, PhD (linguistics)
Office: Library (moving into new Student Success Centre at the opening)
Tel. +1 780 378 8437
Directing the Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS), with the VP managing China and Asia relations, liaising with the Confucius Institute in Edmonton and our Chinese CCS partners in Beijing, representing CUE at various China related language and cultural consortia in Edmonton and Alberta. Teaching Mandarin at Concordia for credit.
Research Officer
Ms. Lainna ElJabi, M.A. (English Literature)
Office: G214 (moving to CSRI at the opening in 2018).
Tel: +1 780 479 9215
With the VP, managing Concordia’s research activities, research presentations, managing internal grant program and facilitating external research grant applications for faculty and students, international research grants and collaboration. Responsible for coordinating all Tri-Council research activities at Concordia. At the opening of the CSRI, managing its operations.
Director of the Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR)
Dr. Patrick Kamau, PhD (Chemistry)
Office: HA 219
Tel: +1 780 479 9261
Directing the Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR), overseeing CIAR’s industry connections, researcher-community partnerships, entrepreneurship.
Manager of the Centre for Innovation and Applied Research (CIAR)
Mr. David Burry, MBA
Office: HA 218 (moving to CSRI at the opening in 2018)
Tel: +1 780 479 9395
Managing the operations of the CIAR with respect to the coordination of industry-driven applied research projects, intellectual property identification and protection, commercialization of research outcomes, student entrepreneurship development, business incubation, and customized training.