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Support the Shaughn O’Brien Fund with David Lyons

Posted on: Oct 18, 2018

Concordia Alumnus, David Lyons, recorded a song, Goodfella, in honour and celebration of Shaughn O’Brien. David is generously donating funds from the song to Concordia’s Shaughn O’Brien Mental Health Fund. This fund supports all mental health initiatives at Concordia, and makes a difference in our community. In addition to David’s donation, West Coast Studios, where David recorded the song, graciously offered to double each sale, and donate that to the Shaughn O’Brien Mental Health Fund.

This is a a win-win-win: you can listen to a great song, support a CUE Alumnus, and provide financial support to to help CUE expand successful mental health programs, pilot some new ones, provide services to help students directly to make positive mental health choices, and identify those in distress.

You can download the song on a variety of platforms: