What is Single Sign On?
Category: Email & Network, Google Apps, Login, Online Services
Single Sign On is a method of allowing you to securely access multiple different web sites (or mobile apps) without having to login to each one. Each service (in our case Google, Online Services, etc) will query the single sign on service to see if you are already logged in. If so, you will be immediately granted access to your account. Otherwise, you will be prompted to perform that initial login. Once you have logged in accessing one service (e.g. Google Mail) you will be able to access others (e.g. Online Services) without logging in again.
When you try to access either of these services, you will be taken to a unified login page that is different from the one you may be used to. Instead of the traditional login pages for each service, your login request will be redirected back to our Single Sign On service and logged in there. After a successful login, you will be forwarded on to the site or app you originally requested.
Some of you may already be familiar with this new login page, as we have been using it for access to Library catalog resources from off-campus locations as well as access to the third-party service for students called Involvio for some time.